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About Us

How We Got Here

My name is Karen Ledger-Green,CertHum and i'm the founder of Find Your Roots . I'm a married mum of 4 and i now live on the East Coast of England. As a child growing up in a big city, i heard lots of fascinating stories from my parents and Grandparents. I couldn't get enough of them! It was my grandma however, that gave me my first taste of doing a family tree. I was attending high school at the time and i vividly remember during one visit to my grandparents, being sat at her table helping her to do her own tree. From then on i was hooked!


As i got older i found more and more interest and even more resources to search. After spending years working only on clients trees, my grandad asked me to do our OWN family tree. With the help of my dad, we finally sat down to do our own family research. 


 In between doing family trees for others, i attended university to get the qualifications and extra knowledge that i needed to understand history and how to write history, achieving letters after my name in the process. 


After many years of doing family trees for customers on a part time basis, i decided i would like to do this full time. I loved doing the research and analyzing records etc. As a result i started doing family research professionally, slowly trying to build up the business i have today. I also expanded my research to finding long lost family members after i found my Great Uncle who was now living in New Zealand, and hadn't seen his brother (my grandad) for over 50 YEARS!

The rest as they say, is history.

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